Falimy Malayalam Movie Review

Falimy Malayalam Movie

Feature Film | 2023
A subtle tale about fissures in family relationships, 'Falimy' is a thematically-relevant and delightful comedy drama. Natural performances and engaging narration save the latter part when shades of hiccups crop up.
Nov 19, 2023 By K. R. Rejeesh

Where To Watch:

The title 'Falimy' itself aptly encapsulates the central theme of this Basil Joseph-starrer film, which ostensibly delves into the discord within a family. Basil takes on the role of Anu, a dubbing artist in soap operas, who keenly feels the intensity of the dysfunctional dynamics within his family. Debutant writer-director Nithish Sahadev showcases his narrative prowess, deftly handling a subtle theme. Despite the peculiar choice of a family tour to Varanasi, the director successfully navigates the narrative, largely due to the natural performances of the cast.

Set on the outskirts of Thiruvananthapuram, the chaos within Anu's family becomes vivid in the initial scenes, as his grandfather, Janardhanan (Meenaraj Raghavan), attempts a solo trip to Varanasi (Kashi). The screenplay provides ample room to depict the isolation experienced by individuals in their autumn days. Anu, displaying empathy towards Janardhanan, promises to take him to Kashi. Anu's father Chandran (Jagadeesh) is a lethargic and idle man, while his mother Rema (Manju Pillai) works in a press to make ends meet. Anu's brother Abhi (Sandeep Pradeep) aspires to study abroad. The family's situation worsens after Anu's failed marriage, and he struggles to overcome the resulting mental anguish.

The plot takes an interesting turn as the family decides to embark on a tour to the spiritual city of Kashi. The focus shifts to their arduous journey, during which certain revelations unfold in the minds of each character. Despite the use of humor as an undertone, it never undermines the true purpose of 'Falimy.' Scenes in North India, such as a procession of donkeys passing by the stranded characters in a deserted place, aesthetically convey the absurdity of the disjointed family's abrupt decision to visit a holy place to find solace.

Basil, portraying a dejected youth, delivers an effortless and natural performance that enhances the overall appeal. Meenaraj Raghavan shines with succinct emotions that leave a tremendous impact on the narrative. The deep bond between two elderly characters is highlighted, showcasing their mental conflict about being confined to their rooms. Raghavan delicately transcends emotional frontiers to express the melancholy of loneliness, imbuing conviction into the tale.

The synergy between Jagadeesh and Manju Pillai significantly enhances the artistic milieu of the film, elevating the entire texture with their competitive performances. 'Falimy' may be uneventful, yet it resonates with viewers through its fresh theme and narration. Some events in the latter half may be considered mediocre and insignificant, but overall, it's a thematically relevant comedy-drama featuring Bablu Aju's endearing visuals and notable tunes by Vishnu Vijay.

K. R. Rejeesh

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